Snyder Wedding Count Down

Monday, April 21, 2008

Say hello to my little friend

so anyone who knows me probably knows that I have a serious aversion to spiders. I couldn't tell you when this started or how it got so bad. I used to play with daddy long legs when I was a kid....but now, no way. Jason says I have spidy sense. I can walk into a room, tell their is a spider and make him find it before I will go back in there and sometimes they are so tiny he has a hard time even finding it.

Anyway, I am trying to not let my likes and dislikes influence Juliet. So, I try very hard not to show how afraid of spiders I am. One night she said there was a spider on her wall...thank goodness Jason was still home because he went in there and told her it was friendly spider and got her not to be afraid of it....she even helped daddy carry her new friend outside....Yes carried, she let it crawl on her. I am getting the chills just thinking about it. But that is good, I don't want her to have a phobia right?

so the next day she found another making it's way across the floor "daddy, my friend is back...come see" Jason goes over, gets excited for her about her new friend and gives me the 'probably shouldn't come over here' look and gets a paper. He lets her friend crawl on the paper so he can take it outside. well apparently this spider had other idea's because he crawled off the paper and started hanging from the paper from his little butt string. Yuck. Well all the while Frodo (our dog) was watching with half interest....until he sees this little guy dangling from the paper. Without another thought he goes over sniffs at it and then chomps it right out of the air, swallows and then walks off like he just got the best treat in the world.

Now four very different reactions went on in the room with this little incident. Frodo was very happy with himself and seemingly with Jason for providing this tasty treat, I was profoundly proud that my loving pet got rid of this vicious enemy, with out the possibility of it coming back into the house, Jason was thoroughly amused at the turn of events and had a smile on his face and Juliet was very disgusted that Frodo would have the audacity to eat her friend. "Fodo" she yells "you do not eat my friend, go to the corner". Of course he didn't and she gave him a thorough reprimanding lecture about friends and being nice and not eating them. It was super funny and cute. All the while he gave the 'but the door was open' look. (Deborah and mom are probably the only ones who will get that....but it is a 'what, what I do? look).

so needless to say when Juliet went back into her room I told Frodo what a good boy he was and Jason and I laughed about it.


Deborah said...

Ok, the funniest part about that story was your description of the little friend hanging from the paper.
A butt string? Ha! I laughed so hard, and yes, I'm at work.
I guess they can tell I'm not working when I'm laughing so hard I have to wipe away the tears.
Butt string. Oh, I love it.

Anonymous said...

That is the first time I heard that a spider has a "butt string" hahahahah, love it