Snyder Wedding Count Down

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Infamous Question

This story comes cutesy of my dad and little brother, Eric. It is a short story but well worth it. Ever notice how children sometimes say something and a light comes on in your head and you think "well gee, that would have been good to know 20 years ago" (and yes I did just say 'gee').

Well my Dad and brother were watching Chicken Little, a classic story of crying wolf. The little chicken tells everyone the sky is falling, but tells so many tales that no one will believe him until it is too late. I don't know if you have seen the new cartoon movie that had come out a few years ago. But in this one the deal is the chicken sees the "sky falling" because they are being attacked by outer space guys. Well anyway, in the mayhem of it all Chicken Little tries to go and find his friend to rescue. (Don’t' know what this friends name is, when dad was telling me this story he referred to him as the little furry guy). The little furry guy is in the library, so Chicken Little starts running towards the library to find his friend. That is when Eric looks at my dad with little boy innocents and asks most sincerely "why did that chicken cross the road?" well....everyone, now we know the answer: to find his furry friend.

So thank you dad and Eric for finally finding the answer to that question that has haunted humanity since.....well since before they had libraries (oddly enough. :~)). I can’t wait to see what other mysteries will be solved by young minds in the next few years......


Deborah said...

Yes, but here's my questions: Which came first? The chicken or the egg? See if Eric can figure that one out.

Anonymous said...

Of Course he can. He will say that the egg came first because it was brought by the Easter Bunny and not a chicken :~)