Snyder Wedding Count Down

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Job

One month from yesterday I will have been in this job for one year. Crazy how the time flies. We have a saying in the office here. The days go slow but the week goes fast. And its so true. I can't believe I've been here that long. Especially since I just got a new job.

Yup I went from Administrative Assistant III to Administrative Assistant IV, in the same department. It was a 5% increase, which basically means I won't feel the mandatory furloughs (furlough = A unpaid, mandatory day off. We have to take 8 hours per month for the next two years). Which I don't mind the furloughs. I would rather have a day off and not get paid then work the same amount of hours and get a pay cut. So its all good.

So looky me moving up in the latter. I have no idea when or if I will move up. Not anytime soon. Anything after this I will have to take super hard test and all that goodness. NO thanks.

I'm just glad once they hire someone for my old position I won't have to answer the phones anymore. Woot Woot! hecks ya! I HATE phones!

By the way it was the fastest interviewing process I've ever gone through. I applied on Thursday, had the interview the following Thursday and was told by the end of the day that I got it. :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

America's Got Talent

Have you seen this show? kinda like an American Idol and Star Search all in one. I love it. I usually miss it because I am not home but I got to see some last night.

I love to watch the people who think they are just the coolest things ever and the rest of the world can see they have no talent. Like this one guy says he does impressions so well that it scares him how much he sounds like the people he's impersonating. So when he got up there everyone is expecting this fantastic deal and he totally bombed. I'd feel bad for the guy except when they interviewed him later he was like, its just pure jealousy because there's no way I sucked.....ya buddy ya did!

But the very last group to addition for the night is the reason you want to see the show. It was two brothers and a sister, ages from nine to eighteen. They sang God bless America in acapella and it was just heart breakingly beautiful. There was so much feeling and soul in it and they were good. It made me cry and it made a lot of people in the audience cry. I really hope they make it all the way through!

tonight is another hour deal where they go to another city (New York i think) and audition. It will be fun to see the good ones and even funner (is that a word?) to see the bad ones. I can't wait......

PS. ....thank goodness for DVR!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I don't complain much...Ok maybe I do but this time I really do have a good reason. I'm sick and not just have the sniffles sick....full blown sick. So I thought I would tell you all the things I hate about being sick. That should make me feel better. :)

1. I hate how my nose is stuffy, but only one side at a time

2. I hate how I don't fall asleep until literally 20 minutes before my alarm goes off

3. I hate how I feel like I'm trying to move under water with weights strapped to me

4. I hate how badly my muscles, bones and joints hurt

5. I hate how sensitive my skin is

6. I hate how the previous two make a hot shower a curse and a blessing, while soothing my aches, it torchers my skin...especially when drying off.

7. I hate having the seal cough

8. I hate how load everything is

9. I hate how badly my head hurts

10. I hate that I have to go the potty every two second cause I'm drinking water like its going out of style.

11. I hate the fever chills

12. I hate how I have to much to do at work and the fact that I'm the only one in the office for the next two days, so I can't take off. And even if wanted to I need to save my time in case Juliet gets sick!

Ok. I'm sure there is more but I'm done for now. Feel free to add your hates to the list.....go on do it. Makes you feel better!

Monday, June 15, 2009

cake class

This last Thursday was my very first time teaching the Wilton Cake Decorating class.

I signed up about a month ago, which was perfect because the previous instructor was moving. I got all my supplies in the mail. I watched the training video (which I have to say I was very disappointed in - it looked like it was made in the late 80's out of someones living aren't you a multi-million dollar company? but we'll save that for another day). I prepared everything the night before and right after work drove up there to set up.

Ok I'm pretty ok in a crowd, I like talking to people, I can make a good joke here and there....but when you have to teach something? that's a whole nother story! I just about pee'd myself I was so nervous! I had five ladies there that night. Two had called me earlier that day and said they would miss the first class. so I have seven students all together.

I start off my introducing myself, having everyone else say a little something about what they want out of the class and on to teaching.

I talked for one hour and forty-five minutes, then I took them down the Wilton isle and had them shop. (side note: I LOVE retail! I'm good at it! so this part was super fun for me).

I was able to answer their questions, suggest better ways for the things they were having difficulty doing and I know they walked away excited about the class. I even had one girl ask if we could move the class up to Friday, cause she didn't think she could wait a week to learn more. Another lady asked me what shop I owned and when I explained that I don't own a shop yet but would like to someday, she said I talk and carry myself like I have been doing this for years and already have a shop.

So needless to say, it went wonderfully! I'm very excited and can't wait to do it this Thursday!

Yay me!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

quick update

I have been super sick for the last few days. I left work early on Friday and was out Monday and Tuesday. I'm at work today but we'll see how long I last...

I have my last writing class tonight! I'm excited because we are going to be able to publish some of our short stories. How fun is that!

I also start teaching my cake decorating class this Thursday. Super nervous and super excited. but I want to start it and get it going!

I signed Juliet up for Gymnastics. She goes every Tuesday for an hour and absolutely loves it. She can't wait to go again!

Well, life is life right now. Jason is driving, I'm working and Juliet is growing. So what else can I say. hehe.