Snyder Wedding Count Down

Monday, June 29, 2009

New Job

One month from yesterday I will have been in this job for one year. Crazy how the time flies. We have a saying in the office here. The days go slow but the week goes fast. And its so true. I can't believe I've been here that long. Especially since I just got a new job.

Yup I went from Administrative Assistant III to Administrative Assistant IV, in the same department. It was a 5% increase, which basically means I won't feel the mandatory furloughs (furlough = A unpaid, mandatory day off. We have to take 8 hours per month for the next two years). Which I don't mind the furloughs. I would rather have a day off and not get paid then work the same amount of hours and get a pay cut. So its all good.

So looky me moving up in the latter. I have no idea when or if I will move up. Not anytime soon. Anything after this I will have to take super hard test and all that goodness. NO thanks.

I'm just glad once they hire someone for my old position I won't have to answer the phones anymore. Woot Woot! hecks ya! I HATE phones!

By the way it was the fastest interviewing process I've ever gone through. I applied on Thursday, had the interview the following Thursday and was told by the end of the day that I got it. :)


G said...

Congratulations, you deserve it.

Deborah said...

Yeah, I was so surprised to get your text that same day! You work for the government for goodness sake! I'm pretty sure that was the fastest hiring in the history of the world.

Logan Family est 2003 said...

Congratulations!! That is exciting! Cake class and a new possition, can't complain there! :-)