Snyder Wedding Count Down

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Divine Intervention or All Me?

Ever have a HUMONGOUS decision to make and just didn't know what to do? I'm pretty sure all of us have had to in point or another in our lives. I'm sure we don't get doled out just one either. Many will come our way and we are judged on how we handle them.

I've had a few in my measly 26 years of being here, and only 9 years of those 26 have been on my own so I can only imagine what is still in store for me and hope that I pass those tests.

I have a friend who is going through something in her life that is not very pleasant, she is losing her house, her husband lost his job and they have to file bankruptcy. Now I have not had the pleasure of owning a house yet but can only imagine how bad it would feel to have to and to go through a financial strain like that. I have been on the low end of the totum pole when it came to money so was able to give her some advice on how to save cutting the cable out, reducing your cell phone goodies so the bill is not so high, things like that. I'm no money guru but I know a few tricks here and there.

I also have a friend who is having some issues in her marriage. I'm no marriage councilor and I doubt I am qualified to give any advice to her but she like to talk to me anyway because I have a clear head and see things differently then most people.

now me seeing things that Divine Intervention or all in my head? I've been told by several people that I seem to give good advice. That I seem in tune with life and what path people should take. If that is true and I am in tune with 'life' (or the Lord) then how come it is so hard for me to figure out my life? that's what I want to know.

How come when it comes to seeing things clearly and being in tune to what path people should walk down, why can I not choose mine? why is it fuzzy for me and totally not in tune? And if that is the case am I really helping these people out or directing them towards disaster?

Small questions that will never be answered in this life time. I will continue to help my friends and family in the best way I know how, have faith that I am in tune and am giving them the small bits of advice that can help them live a better life and pray that one day I will be able to see my path clearly. :) wouldn't that be nice?


Deborah said...

I sometimes have moments of clarity like that when I realize that I don't know everything, I can't control anything, and that's ok. And then I lose it again and get down on myself. So just hang in there. You're doing great, and I love your perspective.

G said...

It is so easy to see the other side of the coin when it does not involve you, you can give sage advice because you don't have to take the advice for yourself, when it comes to trying to fix ourselves it is not easy because we second guess ourselves. We really know what we are suppose to do and say but it is always easier to give the advice to someone else then to take our own advice. You are a smart, intelligent, caring, loving human being, just be yourself and keep your faith and just know that you are never handed more than you can handle even if at times it may seem like it. Beside, what would your world be like if you knew all the answers? you would never take the step to experience life, whether good or bad. A path is never without its stones, gravel, moss, or even without its flowers and beauty, so you see, that is what life is all about.
love you bunches

Maura said...

Thanks to both of you. I love you so much and all the support I get from my family and friends. I am truly blessed!