Snyder Wedding Count Down

Monday, July 13, 2009

spices, ants and good friends

I helped my good friend move this weekend, I also helped her unpack and organize some of her house. We started in the kitchen cause lets face it you don't feel good until your kitchen is perfect right?

So Crystal (my good friend) was having a hard time trying to decide where she was going to put all her spices. She had 3 boxes of them....kid you not... 3 boxes and not little boxes either. So I ask her how many spices can she possibly need and also whens the last time she rotated them. "what do you mean rotate them?" that's when I knew we had a project.

I explained that spices expire and you have to throw them out. so we sat down and went through her three boxes. Oldest one found May of 2002 and she had like 5 containers of salt! so needless to say we really didn't need to find more room for the spices. By the time we were done she had room left over in her spice cabinet.

Ants are a problem this year. the little black sugar ants! man are they annoying. I tell her welcome to Carson that they are all over the place and you can get ant poison but she has to be careful to not let the kids or the dogs get it. So she comes up with a 'brilliant' idea.....she is going to get on her hands and knees and Lysol the suckers. Ya that's going to work. It will kill maybe the first 10 but the rest are out there and they will come. It was fun watching her try to demolish this ant line with a can of Lysol, a big paper towel and a mean look. :)

By 11pm we were both exhausted, delirious and giggly (ok more giggly then we usually are)...which didn't make organizing any easier.

Crystal and I have become such good friends over the last four years. I couldn't imagine unpacking and organizing going much funner. ( that a word? is now. hehe). I love her bunches and hope for our sanity that neither one of us moves anytime soon.

good times. ;)


Deborah said...

I bet it smelled good in there though :)

G said...

If you can get used coffee grounds and spread them at point of entry the ants will not cross over the grounds.

Maura said...

Good to know. Thanks. :)