Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, July 17, 2009

Harry Potter, Real Duels and an Awesome Movie Game

So of course I went and saw the mid night showing of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. and of course I LOVED IT! they did cut a lot from the book and tweaked the ending just a tad but all in all I think they captured what was really important.

Mom bought our tickets earlier in the day but we still got there an hour and a half early to get good seats. They showed it on four screens and had each theatre with a different house flag over it. It was clever. :) We were in Slytherin and we had some very interesting people. There was a group of teenagers who dressed up. They kinda rag dolled it. You know they were dressing up to kinda make fun of the dresser uppers but they totally had fun with it. They even treated us to a real duel in the front of the theatre. One of the boys dressed up as Hermione and won the costume contest. :)

Because we sat there for a good hour before the movie even started we got to hear all kinds of conversations. Usually after the first minute or so I don't listen anymore cause its not interesting. But the family behind us kept me interested the whole time. they were playing a movie game. You pick a major actor, they picked Harrison Ford and the next person says a movie he played in, then the next person has to say an actor in that movie, then the next person has to name a movie the second actor was in...and so on and so forth, until you get it back to Harrison Ford. Kinda like the seven degrees of Kevin Bacon. Only you can make this game go on for as long as you want. It was simply amazing the movies and actors this family knew and how they were able to connect all of them together. I would probably be out by the fourth movie or actor but they kept it up for a full hour and only stopped cause they knew the movie was coming on soon. Crazy huh?

Anyhow. I can't wait for the rest of the Harry Potters and that should be it for me for midnight showings for a while. :)


Ruthykins said...

okay, we seriously need to decide when we are going.

Deborah said...

That movie game sounded AWESOME!!!!!! I would totally win it! I'm famous in the Andreasen family for saying, "Ok, have you seen....?" Or, "Oh, that's the guy from..." And they're usually movies that no one else has seen, or actors that no one else recognizes. In fact, if I watch a movie and don't recognize a face or voice, I look them up to see what else they were in. :)

Maura said...

Ruth - totally!!!! when can you go?

Deb - You would totally be good at that game. I know the major actors and my favorite movies...other then that nada. :)