Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, April 18, 2008


So money is one of those things. You cant live without it....however, seems you can't live with it either. Someone or something always comes around the corner and snatches it away. So I got our taxes back this weekend. We got a pretty nice chunk of change. I was able to catch up on our cars and some bills, put some in savings and then had enough for food and gas and maybe a trip to the Scottish Clown. (that is what we call McDonald so the kids don't know where we are going haha). Anyway, I was happy....until life said "k, you had your fun now cough it up" yup, in a matter of literally two minutes 3 more bills came a long. It won't put me in the negative, but it did wipe the cocky grin off my face! I admire people who have the skill and discipline to save money. Some people can invest one dollar and make a fortune off it, while others (such as I) make lots of money (on paper) but can't for the life of us catch up. Mostly due to stupid mistakes and bad decisions. Slowly but surly we will catch up and someday look back on the days when we were poor and smile, but not today my friend...not today!

Jason is doing well, he is now an official resident of Idaho. :) They get their permits in the state they are schooling in, that way when they come back to their home states they don't have to take a test or anything. As long as they passed the schooling and have so much driving time they go right into a CDL. So that is good. He seems pretty excited and has made some buddies so I am pretty excited for him.

Juliet and I are having it out on the potty training issue. She is so smart but this is the one thing she just can't or won't get. She does awesome for a few days and then totally regresses. Drives me nuts but we are trying. I am sure when she is a teenager she will be super thrilled that I shared that on our blog...but I am a mom and it is my right to get to embarrass her...might as well start now right? hehe.

so here is a quick little story for you. Juliet LOVES to play teacher. she is always lining up her animals and baby's and reading them a book or singing them their ABC's. Well we have charts on our wall of the ABC's and 123's in sign language. She also tries to teach her 'class' that as well. Well apparently I was included in this class of hers (as I was on the couch and she lined up all her animals next to me). I didn't realize I was suppose to be paying attention, so I kept reading my book. I could here her in the back of my mind...telling her class what was what, but apparently there was someone in her class that was not paying attention. Low and behold, it was me! she came over and taped me on my leg, I mentally check where I am on the page, and with a smile say "yes, baby". She gives me the ' don't' you patronize me' look. I think "wait...what I am confused. She is looking at me like I am in trouble,". She sternly says " I am the attention". I try my hardest to look humble and say. " oh, I am sorry teacher" she smiles and goes to the chart with her pointer (a marker) says. "what is this?" and points to one of the letters. 'oh' I think " she needed to know what one of the letters were". I say "that is W" she looks at me, looks at the chart and turns back in a very grown up teacher way cooes "goooood, now time for nap" and proceeds to take all her animals and dolls into her room. 'wait, did I just take a test?'....apparently I did because she came back out and I asked. "is class over, can I read my book?" "Yes" she says in a very matter of fact way, gives me the "duh, we were over when I said it was nap time" and walks back into her room to scold one of the babies for getting out of bed.

it was very cute and funny, course I couldn't laugh because she is very much like me and doesn't like to be laughed at when she is being serious. I loved it though.


Deborah said...

Tell Jason, "Welcome to the Family." Not the Crounk Family, the other family. The United Brotherhood Nation of Idahoans. TUBNI for short. Hey, your husband is an Idahoan, you sister is an Idahoan, your other sister is a half-breed Idahoan. Why don't you join the bandwagon and y'all can live up here. Cough, cough. I'm sorry, I've got that yucky taste in my mouth, like I just said a hick word.
That's funny about Juliet. I remember when she read her books to me. I laughed because she does it in the same manner a teacher does to her class:) Hey, tell her that teachers go potty in the big girl potty (or whatever you call it). Maybe that'll help.:) Does she know Eric is potty trained? I don't know what she needs, since I've never potty-trained a child before.
Good luck.

Anonymous said...

she is so you, I could just see her holding her class love it love it....Give her a big smoochie from her Grammie and Deborah has a great idea about the teacher going potty in the big potty...