Snyder Wedding Count Down

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I like my blankets cold.

I like my blankets cold....this is what Juliet said when I cuddled up to her while she was watching spongebob. She would rather I didn't lay on her blanket and wrap my arms around her because then I would make her blankets hot. She even took one of them outside the other day to cool down so she could wrap it around her.

I would rather be cold then hot too but I'm pretty sure she misses the whole point of having a blanket, but she is my daughter and therefore a little bit out of her mind. :)

Crazy kid, gotta love her!


Deborah said...

That's so funny. I like my blankets cold...after they've already warmed me up though. Tyler likes to snuggle at night because he thinks I'm freezing. Well, I am until I'm warm, and then it's like, "back away, and roll over to your side of the bed!" I get sick when I get hot.

Ruthykins said...

i like warm blankets, but a cold room. i'd sit in front of swamp cooler just to wrap up in a blanket.