Snyder Wedding Count Down

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Presidents Challenge

Deborah sent me a link to a cool website to join the presidents weight loss challenge...I guess this is something that happens every year. I didn't know that but it could be fun. More of an incentive to get me up and doing it. So that is exciting....because frankly I'm tired of being a heffer. And no, I know I'm not humongous or ridiculously obese but I am big and need to get it in control.

Anyway, the website is awesome you can put in your info and it tracks your progress for you. course this is on the honor system so you could say you did way better then you did but that would just come back to bite you in your big hunesky. :) I'm excited to get started and glad Deborah sent me the link.

here it is if you want to join. More the merrier or just for your own self. Have fun.

follow the instruction off this blog and not only will you be in the pres challenge you could also win awesome prizes.

hope you join. :)


Deborah said...

I know this is silly, but I already have 406 points and I feel like I'm the most awesome thing that ever walked the earth. And then I compare it to the high in the group, which is over a thousand. I guess I'll have to keep working. but I'm really excited about seeing my points rack up!

Maura said...

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw points add on there. Cool I get points too and then the little star filled in. How fun was that.

I'm easily amused..and I love it!