Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, February 13, 2009

Comforting? Really?

Yesterday I visited an old friend. I hadn't seen this friend in a good 4 months. This friend used to be my enemy. I used to complain going to see him and I couldn't wait to get away, but as time passed and I got used to his routine and his ability to change who I am, I became to not only rely on this friend but truly enjoy him.

I moved houses and jobs, Juliet started school and I started taking night classes...needless to say this friend got pushed to the bottom of the to do list and I didn't' visit him!.

Yesterday I did. I made time to visit. He's been calling and I've been ignoring. I couldn't ignore anymore.

I walked in and his smell was like a homecoming, the work he put me too was invigorating. I was able to relax my mind and really get some thinking done while working my body in mindless steps. The sound of him was like a warm blanket, comforting and needed. My muscles warmed up, my heart worked and yes, I sweated. He does that to me all to often. Sometimes I like it, sometimes I wish he wouldn't...but yesterday I was glad that he did. I missed him and what he does for me!

who is this friend you probably already figured it out. Its my gym, yes the gym. I missed going and plan on going again tonight. I miss having that solid hour of just me and the machine. No talking, no trying to one up anyone but me, no trying to impress, no thinking I'm not good enough. Feeling the instant working of my muscles, heart and lungs is fantastic. When I'm done I know I've done something completely and totally good for myself and can feel the effects for hours and even into the next day. I love it and don't know why I ignored him for so long. There is really no excuse for not going and I am glad I finally made time to do it!

1 comment:

Deborah said...

Good for you. Though I'll be honest, I thought maybe you were getting a little to "personal" with this "friend" until I realized "who" it was. :)