Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, November 7, 2008

Prop 8

Here is a link to a news story about how the gay community has rallied outside of one of the CA temples - stating the reason Prop 8 passed was because of Mormons and that we are bigots.

I do not believe we are bigots and even a counter statement in the article states why we are not bigots and why we supported Prop 8.

I have mixed feelings about this. I am happy that we succeeded and enough so that they have now "blamed" us for the outcome, but I am angry that they would find it necessary to go to our holy grounds and cause trouble because they are angry. I understand they are angry, but be respectful.

The article goes on to say that for every $5 donation you give to their organization to reverse the outcome they will send a postcard to President Monson regarding their views and such, when in the same breath the woman said 'its ok to have your opinions but do not force them on me" hello that is exactly what you are doing?

If I were being petty (and in my ranting and raving right now... I am) I say we send a pass a long card for every postcard they send us. And for every angry letter or petition that goes around send a pair of missionaries to those who either sent it or signed it.

Ok I am done. I know it will all calm down in a matter of months....or not but either way our great Prophet will conduct himself wonderfully and defend or explain things to them that they might understand, they might not want to hear it but that is on them.

I do have to say that I love our church so very much. The way we are able to stick together, work as one even from different states, have one goal and one purpose but still be able to express our views and be individuals. There are not very many places on earth you can find that and I am glad I am part of it.


Deborah said...

Amen. Again and again, amen. I was so sad, not necessarily angry, when I saw all the protestors on the news last night. I just thought, man, that is awful. The Catholic church supported proposition 8, but were their churches and temples and sacred grounds protested? Nope. It's ok though. 3rd Nephi 12:1-13. It saddens me though, that they would be so cruel as to send our dear prophet postcards about their views. As if he doesn't know.

It's a strange thing, this gay marriage. In my head, it makes sense for them to want a partnership and to be joined together legally, like any other couple. That makes sense to me. But in my heart I know it's wrong. Physically it's wrong. Men and women were made to compliment each other in every aspect of life: physically, emotionally and spiritually. Marriage between man and woman is ordained of God. I believe that with all my heart, so it makes me sad that they are left out. So it's kind of a strange little duckie, isn't it?

Thanks for your post.

Maura said...

It is because I agree with you. Logically I can see where they are coming from, but every other emotion is telling me nope!

It is a strange little duckie. hehe