Snyder Wedding Count Down

Thursday, August 28, 2008


so I changed my background because it's, thats right folks, it my birthday..the big 26. haha. I actually forgot about it until I watched the news and then when people started giving me cards at work. I got a candle, breakfast pastries and a mini-rose plant. how fun!

yesterday mom took me out to sushi and ice-cream and tomorrow my friend is taking me to lunch. And my sisters, mom and dad have either called, texted, or googled me a message. so I must say birthdays do have their perks. :)

Jason's birthday is tomorrow he will be old too....31. it is sad because he is not here to celebrate with me but when he comes back, we plan on going to the Melting Pot. YUUUUMMM.

I also thought it was fun that i share my birthday with one of the greatest events in American history....Martin Luther King's 'I have a Dream' speech. How great that is right? and today marks the 45th anniversary. wonderful.

so no big plans for my birthday but I still appreciate all the e-mails, cards and thoughts that are coming my way.

Happy Birthday to me!!! by the way I will be having my cake and eating it too!!! heck ya!


Anonymous said...

I am singing to you

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happppy birrrrrthday dear Maura
HHHappy birthhhday to youuuuuuuuuuu

love and hugs

Deborah said...

Hey, sushi and ice cream? That sounds pretty dang good. Unless it's sushi flavored ice cream...ewie. I've been craving sushi lately. Except at the moment. I'm craving sketti and garlic bread. Mmmmmmm....

That is so fun that your co-workers brought you presents! It's pretty sweet.

LOVE YOU!!!! Haddy Booday (that's how my niece says it. She has a speech impediment.)

ps. I likie the new background. And yes, I said likie.

Ruthykins said...

happy birthday maura!