Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, February 12, 2010

My new favorite candy

Ok people, I'm sure I've mentioned before that I love, love, love Lindor chocolates! YUUUMM! but I think they are tied or slightly overshadowed by my new obsession.

3 Musketeers - Truffle Crisps.

Oh my heck are they good!!!! I the nougat has been replaced by a crisp candy (taste like astronaut ice-cream) and then a layer of creamy truffle. heaven!

They are only 170 calories so not as bad. I try to stay away from them but its my new weekness.

Join the dark side and try one...they are davine.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I can't eat sugar for another 11 days...and then we'll see what the dark side has to offer. I'm a little skeptical of finding them though, considering I live in po-dunk Idaho (I don't know if that's how you spell it, but that's how I'm sayin' it.)

By the way, did you see Aprill had her baby?