Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, November 20, 2009

Review - Two Words



Logan Family est 2003 said...

That's it!! That's all you are going to say??? Gah, I am living vicariously through people until I can veg infront of the big screen and no ones saying anything but silence or "love it!!" Is it worth the money to the theator? :-)

Deborah said...

Two words from me: You tired? :D

Maura said...

Ya didder...I'm at the breaking point, I'm so tired. I can cry at a drop of a hat and it will turn into a hysterical know the delusional state. :)

Aprill, its of course not as good as the books but thats to be expected. Saying that....the movie was amazing! They had way more money for this one so the specail effects where wonderful, the acting was better and the new director is brilliant! I hope that helps.

Logan Family est 2003 said...

Thanks... :-) I am excited to see it. It looks great. :-) hope you have gotten some good sleep since then. :-)