Snyder Wedding Count Down

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Honesty will make the burden lighter! I fully believe that.

What is harder then not being honest...wither it be with yourself or with someone else. I mean you have to remember the lies and then remember why you lied in the first place.

Most of the time those lies were told (again either to someone...or to your self) out of love...not wanting to hurt. Well people, guess what? It doesn't work. People are going to get hurt no matter what. You can't protect and shield everyone from everything.

My parents told us when we were younger that if we were just honest with them, they would be in less trouble then if we lied and then found out....and yes they always found out! And its true with life too!

Just be honest! to yourself and everyone around you. It will make the burden lighter and the future clearer. Have faith that those that you love and want to protect from whatever, can make it. that they will understand and love you for your honestly...if not, then were they really meant to be in your life?

Just a bit of wisdom from my oh so impressive 27 years of living. :)


Ruthykins said...

i absolutely agree with this. ever since i stopped lying to derek he's been a lot less short with me.

Deborah said...

You know, my roommates and I used to say that honesty is not always the best policy, but the older I get the more I realize that's not necessarily true. It's more that we should tell the truth always, but that doesn't mean we should be unkind about it. So thanks for your wisdom. :) I hope it successfully guides you through the future.