Snyder Wedding Count Down

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Snot Head

Yesterday I took Juliet to her Dentist appointment. We were a little early so we waited in the car for the office to open. She was being her usual monkey self and was climbing all over the car. She had her feet up on the back of the passenger seat and the other on the back of the back seat. So she was kinda in the air. Well she just thought this was great.

Well I guess its dusty up there in the sky of the car because Juliet sneezed. Now she's got mondo allergies, she gets that from both her Grampy and her Daddy. Plus she's been fighting a cold. So you can imagine what came out of her nose.

for those of you with weak stomachs skip the next paragraph!!!

It was green, I mean radioactive green. It was long, coming down to her chin and it was thick it looked like the size of an earthworm. You know the ones that come out after a rainstorm and you think they could burrow through concrete they are so big. Ya that's what was hanging from her nose. A long, earthworm size, radioactive green snot string....and it was nasty!

So I bend down to get the tissues from the floor board and when I sit back up Juliet is laughing and the booger is gone.

Where is it Juliet?


Juliet, stop laughing and tell me where it is?

she keeps laughing.

I'm thinking she either sucked it back in or worse, put it in her mouth (ok even writing that made me gag!)

Until I see her little finger still shaking from laughter point at me. I followed her eyes and pointing finger to my hair....ya that's right you read it right. It fell in my hair.

I had to wipe it out and I couldn't go back home and wash my hair before I had to get back to work. Uck it was so gross and yet so funny. Juliet and I laughed about it for a good five minutes. It still makes me gag a little to think about it.


Ruthykins said...

okay. you're officially a more experienced mom than me.

Deborah said...

That made me gag too. The worst part is I can imagine it all!!!