Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, January 2, 2009


Juliet is three going on four, I think she's a smarty pants. Mostly because we expect it of her. We never really let her think she couldn't do something in the first place and instead made it seem the norm that she could or should be able to do something. My parents did this and it seemed to work out ok so there you go.

Yesterday I had off and Juliet was so nice in letting me sleep in way late and since I had the rest of the day I thought I would take her to the movies. We were on our way out the door when I called my mom to see what time she was getting off work. She asked me what I was doing and not wanting to spoil the surprise of where I was taking Juliet I spelled out the word Movies.

That's when Juliet piped up and and said 'mom why are we going to the movies?' .... here we go. I don't know if it is because movies is one of those words that pronounces the way its spelled so its easier to decipher or if she really is catching on to words and how they are spelled. Either way I have to twice as careful what I say and now spell. :)

gotta love it.


Deborah said...

And the fun begins! Did you go to a m-o-v-i-e? What did you see and how was it?:)

Maura said...

ya we went. we saw bedtime stories and it was not as good as I wanted it to be. kinda boring. But thats ok. :)

Anonymous said...

yepper you have one s-m-a-r-t little person,,,,I love watching her in action. love to smooch on her and she gives the best hugs...

love you