Snyder Wedding Count Down

Friday, June 27, 2008

oh, no you di'ent!

On Wednesday, mom, Reana, the kids and I all went to the farmers market. It was a little one so didn't take long to get through, but it apparently took a toll on the kids. They started to get ancy. So naturally we bought them sugar ;) in the form of a snow cone. They ate it...enthusiastically and then we went on a train ride around Mills Park. They thought that was fun. The adults (for the sake of the story we will include Reana in the adult category) chit-chatted, teased Eric saying there was horse and squirrel poop on the ground (Eric has an aversion to poop...makes him naturally I always try to get him to do it, it is what big sisters are for hehe), just then a squirrel came barreling out of the brush and headed straight for the train. At the very last possible second it pulled to the right and missed the wheels, literally, by inches. Reana squeaked and mom and I lean over in fascination. Then the little nut (pun intended) races the train (all 15 MPH it was going) and doges under it. Like it would be fun to see if he could fit its little body through the gap in the wheels, under the moving train and out the other side....double dog dare anyone? well we didn't see evidence of gory aftermath of such dare on the tracks but nor did we see the little sucker come out the other side. Who knows maybe he was pulling some kinds of mission impossible stunt and had attached itself underneath....hey it could happen!
after that fun fiasco, we took Marina to get some food so she could get to her activity. Mom and I decided to splurge and go out to eat. We went to Reds for some wings. While driving around, before we decided on wings, the kids are getting more and more riled up. They just couldn't calm down and every time they would get disciplined they'd laugh (well mostly Juliet would laugh...big surprise right?). We finally get to Reds and I tell Juliet...
"Since you were being so misbehaved, Granna and I are going in for food and you get to stay here"
I quickly get out of the car so 1) I don't have to hear the whining of the injustice of not being able to go in and 2) I wanted her to think (even for just a second or two) that she really wasn't coming in. Mom gets out of the passenger side as I come around to get Juliet out of the car with a smile on her face.
"what's so funny?"
"did you hear Juliet?"
this is what mom hears from the back imagine the tone is the 'oh, no you di'ent' and the words are drawn out in very distinct syllables with a short pause in between the words. she says:


If we were looking at her I am sure her neck was moving from side to side and her finger waving in the air. The good laugh was a redeeming quality for all of about 5 minutes. They quickly picked up there bickering and yelling and we quickly got back to being annoyed and disciplinary. But it has now become a favorite family quote. Oh ya, we have inside quotes too...not just movie ones. We will quote things that have happened with in the family, that only the family would possibly have a clue on what they meant. but we do it because it is funny. :)

so now if you ever hear that coming from know where it came from.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

MAIL MAN!!!!!!!!!!!