Snyder Wedding Count Down

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


So I read CNN daily, most of the times more then once. I like to keep up on the news and see what the rest of the world is dealing with. Like the typhoon victims....can you imagine? It reminds me of the good and evil in the world, where I fit in and what the capabilities and limits are on and of people.

Today they had a article about blogging being a form of therapy. What a crock I think at first but then, hello, what is journaling all about. Not only for prosperity but for our own personal release, as well as story telling for every story as at least a grain of experience in it. The article basically states that writing down your feelings or life in general can be solidifying and help one heal better, putting it on a public forum open to comments, good or bad, is also a way to heal and accept what is going on. this is the article if you are interested in reading it! It is a good article and kinda cool to see how many people out there do this. ARTICLE

I like to blog because I almost always have stories to tell about our family or something to say, but I do realize that it does make me happier or puts things in perspective. If I am upset or excited about something I go to my on-line journal (ya I blog and I have an on-line journal...), if something is funny or a cool thing has happened I will write it down either in the blog, journal or both. I love to get comments back. I like to see that I am not alone, get advice or know that I can still make people laugh.

so I guess you could say this is pretty good therapy (side bar: the article does state this is not to replace face-to-face therapy, but can add to it and many therapist read their clients blogs to get a better feeling of them). But I have to say I think it very therapeutic to take a few minutes out of my day and write down what is going on or how I feel about something. I like to read others too to see if I can be of some help or to feel connected to my family and friends so far away.

Just thought I would share with you all. :) Thanks for commenting on my post, I really like to see them and staying connected. love you all!


Deborah said...

Hey, once I finally gave in and started, I realized that I love blogging. Besides, it gives me something to do at work because heaven forbid I should actually do what I'm paid to do-haha!

Marina the Mom said...

I am not sure yet on the whole blogger thing. You talk about stressed and Deborah talked about desserts. Must be a dyslexia mind meld going on.


Deborah said...

Hey, I know I already talked to you, and I already commented, but Happy Mother's Day! I'm so glad you got to spend it with Jason.
Love you!