Snyder Wedding Count Down

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kid day

Ever have one of those days you just want to do fun kids stuff all day. Its soo nice here in Reno today...finally, after weeks of teasing sun and then freezing temperatures!

I looked out the window at work and said "man I want to be out there"

Things I wouldn't' mind doing today:

Sitting on a swing
Riding a bike
Eating ice-cream bought from an ice-cream truck
Rolling down a grassy hill
Taking an afternoon nap in the warm sun
Running through the sprinklers
Drinking from the hose
playing with side-walk chalk

some a few things I remember doing as a kid that just got lost in the growing up process. I don't know why...they are still fun things to do. :)

what are some things you would do if you had a 'kid day'?


Lexi said...

I would lay in the warm grass all day and watch the clouds while I daydream. I miss having the time to do that. Rolling down a hill sound fun too!

Deborah said...

I'd eat popsicles. All the way. And ride my bike. Do you know I don't even own a bike? I know! What is this world coming to?